Here are some links that we talked about in class today. Here’s the 61 page WA StateForeclosure Resource and Prevention Guide. Here’s a link to the Northwest Trustee Service website. One way to see how many homes are scheduled for auction on a given date, click on the “Properties for Auction, USA-Foreclosure” link from upper left hand […]
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We’ve Come a Long Way in Real Estate and Lending
As an educator in the real estate and mortgage lending sector, I enjoy hearing stories from students about what it was like to sell real estate and originate loans in the 1950s and 1960s, before the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974….discrimination happened to people who are still […]
To the Students from the October 5, 2011 “Buying REOs” Class at SKCAR Bellevue
Here are some links to information covered in class today: Here is a nice graph showing agency REO inventory and the follow up from Tom Lawler adding private label RMBS REO inventory….and here’s CR’s Graph Gallery. The menu runs left to right across the top of the page, just under CR’s logo. We talked about Fannie and Freddie being insolvent. Here’s a […]
Can we just decide to ban all third party short sale negotiators?
Not a day goes by that I do not hear a story from a Realtor, loan originator or consumer about a questionable if downright bad experience with a third party short sale negotiator. We’ve reached a point in time where we ought to consider eliminating all third party short sale negotiators. At the end of […]
To the Students from the September 12, 2011 class at SKCAR Bellevue on How to Become an REO Listing Broker
Here is a nice graph showing agency REO inventory and the follow up from Tom Lawler adding private label RMBS REO inventory….and here’s CR’s Graph Gallery. The menu runs left to right across the top of the page, just under CR’s logo. We talked about Fannie and Freddie being insolvent. Here’s a story from today’s Housing Wire on that topic. Expect MORE FHA REOs out […]
To the Students from the Class on How to Become an REO Listing Broker at Preview Properties Northgate
Here is a nice graph showing agency REO inventory and the follow up from Tom Lawler adding private label RMBS REO inventory….and here’s CR’s Graph Gallery. The menu runs left to right across the top of the page, just under CR’s logo. We talked about Fannie and Freddie being insolvent. Here’s a story from today’s Housing Wire on that topic. Expect […]
To the Students from the August 16, 2011 Short Sale Fraud class at Preview P Marysville
Hi Everyone, Here are links to some of the things we covered today. We mentioned the 60 Minutes Episode on LPS and the Robo-signer scandal. There was a request to link to the free, HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies in WA State and the link with more info for ppl who might qualify for free legal aid. I […]
To the Students from the May 24, 2011 Short Sale Fraud class at Preview Properties Marysville
I promised some links… There was a request for my attorney referral page. Here you go. Here’s a link to a blog post I wrote about the two new forms from DFI and DOL, the Short Sale Seller Advisory and the Short Sale Guidelines for Licensees. Here’s the FTC MARS Ruling on short sale negotiators […]
To the Students from the May 16, 2011 Class at SKCAR Bellevue on How to Become and REO Broker
Hi Everyone, Here’s the follow up from class today. Here’s the graph showing that 96.5 percent of all loans are being backed by the government. Thanks again to CR who allows me to use his graphs in the classroom. Please use this to educate your sellers. Help them understand that underwriting guidelines need to tighten further […]
To the Students from the May 11, 2011 Short Sale Fraud Class at Talon/Bellefield
Hi Everyone, I promised some links… There was a request for my attorney referral page. Here you go. Here’s a story from the morning news on Fannie and Freddie and how they !surprise! made a profit last quarter. Here’s the FTC MARS Ruling on short sale negotiators and upfront fees. Here’s the IRS website on […]