Hi Everyone, Here are some links that will be mentioned in class today. Here’s a link to the BPO-R website. Here’s the definition of a BPO….from our WA State Licensing Law. Here’s the link to the Graph Gallery. The menu is across the top. Click on “Delinquencies.” there was a suggestion to use the Marshall and Swift book to […]
Author Archive | Jillayne

So you want to teach Realtor clock hour classes….How to get started
What’s your end game? Do you want to teach Realtor clock hour classes because you want to make a lot of money? Maybe you don’t care about the money because you have some other job where you already make pretty good money but instead want to use the classes as a way to get in […]
To the Students from the Short Sales for Listing Brokers Class at SKCAR Bellevue on Nov 20, 2012
Here are some links to websites and other information we reviewed in class. Here’s a link to the WA State Bar Assoc and info on help for free legal aid for homeowners facing foreclosure. Want more info on the 50-state Attorneys General lawsuit settlement? Here you go…plus a news article on how the settlement starts the clock on short […]
To the Students from the Nov 13 class Short Sales for Selling Brokers at SKCAR Bellevue
Here are some links to websites and other information we reviewed in class. Here’s a link to the WA State Bar Assoc and info on help for free legal aid for homeowners facing foreclosure. Want more info on the 50-state Attorneys General lawsuit settlement? Here you go…plus a news article on how the settlement starts the clock on short […]
To the attendees from the District 2 Toastmasters Conference
Hi Everyone, Thanks for attending my workshop: “What is Facilitation and How is it Different From Presenting?” I use to think that when I gave presentations, lead meetings, and taught courses and workshops that the only way to do it was to talk, meaning, I’m the only one who gets to talk and everyone else […]
To the Students from the Nov 1, 2012 Clients Behaving Badly class at RE/MAX Northgate
Hi Everyone, Here are links to some of the things we’ll be covering in our class today. Here’s the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. There’s new research published on the genetics of alcoholism. I found this really interesting. There was also a question as to if a medical doctor does the diagnosis on Alzheimers. These two websites […]
To the students from the Oct 26, 2012 Foreclosure Field Trip class at SKCAR Bellevue
Here are some links to websites and other information we will review in class. Here’s the brand new lawsuit, U.S. v. BOA…..accused of fraudulent reps and warrants on loans sold to Fannie/Freddie. Here’s the 61 page WA StateForeclosure Resource and Prevention Guide. This was published by Rob McKenna’s office and is a pretty good resource […]
To the Students from the Oct 24, 2012 Clients Behaving Badly event at Esplanade Condos in Tacoma
Hi Everyone, Here’s the follow up info from our class this morning. Here’s the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. I promised you an article on the genetics of alcoholism. Here’s the Saturday Night Live skit “Debbie Downer” with Rachel Dratch. Just had to watch it again. Gotta love Rachel Dratch. 🙂 Here’s the full article on […]
To the Students from the October 9, 2012 Class on How to Listen With Your Eyes at SKCAR Bellevue
Hi Everyone, Here’s the follow up from class today. I was thinking of a great book that would be super helpful for understanding different cultures. Here it is: Ethnicity and Family Therapy. Don’t let the title fool you. This is a fabulous book about different family cultures and what we pass down generation after generation […]
To the Students from the Oct 4, 2012 BPO-R Class at Sea King Co Realtors, Bellevue
Hi Everyone, Here are some links that will be mentioned in class today. Here’s a link to the BPO-R website. Here’s the definition of a BPO….from our WA State Licensing Law. Here’s the article that explains the mortgage market share, showing 96.5% of all loans made today are somehow supported by the federal government. Here’s that Seattle Times story […]