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COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

CE Forward, Inc., dba NAMF COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Washington State Governor Inslee requires all businesses to adopt policies and procedures to protect employees and clients.

CE Forward will educate employees about how to prevent transmission and the owner’s COVID-19 policies.

CE Forward will maintain minimum six-foot separation between employees and clients in all interactions at all times. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a specific task, other prevention measures are required, such as use of barriers, minimization of service providers or clients in narrow, enclosed areas and waiting rooms, staggered breaks, and work shift starts.

CE Forward will provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face shields and face masks as appropriate or required to employees for the activity being performed and require employees to have personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, capes, goggles, face shields and face masks as appropriate or required for the activity being performed. Cloth facial coverings must be worn by every individual not working alone at the location unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under Department of Labor & Industries safety and health rules and guidance.

CE Forward will ensure frequent and adequate hand washing with adequate maintenance of supplies, use single-use disposable gloves, where safe and applicable, to prevent transmission on tools and items that are shared, and discard after a single use, and establish a housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched services.

CE Forward will screen employees for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at start of shift, and make sure sick employees stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick. We will cordon off any areas where an employee with probable or confirmed COVID-19 illness worked, touched surfaces, etc., until the area and equipment is cleaned and disinfected, and follow the cleaning guidelines set by the CDC to deep clean and disinfect.

Employees may refuse to perform unsafe work, including hazards created by COVID-19. And, it is unlawful for the employer-owner to take adverse action against an employee who has engaged in safety-protected activities under the law if their work refusal meets certain requirements.

Employees who choose to remove themselves from a location because they do not believe it is safe to work due to the risk of COVID-19 exposure may have access to certain leave or unemployment benefits. Employer-owners must provide high-risk individuals covered by Proclamation 20-46 with their choice of access to available employer-granted accrued leave or unemployment benefits if an alternative work arrangement is not feasible. Other employee-service providers may have access to expanded family and medical leave included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, access to use unemployment benefits, to available employer-granted accrued leave depending on the circumstances.

All Live Courses
When teaching live classes, CE Forward will require the booking party, company, hotel, school, college, or other facility, to provide CE Forward and it’s employees and students with its COVID-19 facility-specific safety practices that comply with Governor Inslee’s orders, including the following:

Furniture will be arranged to encourage social distancing, with at least six feet between individual seats.

Control “choke points” and “high-risk areas” at locations where students may typically congregate will be identified, so that social distancing is always maintained.

Frequent and adequate hand washing will be encouraged with adequate maintenance of supplies, use single use disposable gloves, where safe and applicable, to prevent transmission on equipment and items that are shared, and discard after a single use.

A housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched services will be established.

classroom occupancy will be kept at 50% of maximum building occupancy or lower, with the exception of one to one service in a fully enclosed service room.

Tissues and trash cans will be available throughout the classroom

Access will be restricted where unauthorized visitors may enter, most specifically “back of the house” doors and entry points.

An increase frequency of HVAC system filter changing will be requested.

Restrooms will be frequently cleaned and appropriately disinfected throughout the day.

All students will bring their own face shields or cloth face masks and they will be worn by all throughout the class.

regular breaks will be taken while ensuring a minimum 6-feet of separation.

Students will be asked to travel to the class in separate vehicles.

Hand washing will be encouraged throughout the day.

Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and hand sanitizing stations, will be provided at our location, which will ensure cleaning supplies are frequently replenished

A poster in areas visible to all students, will be provided at our location, with required hygienic practices, including not to touch face with unwashed hands or with gloves; washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control buttons, and doorknobs; covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing as well as other hygienic recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The location will frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces at locations and in offices, such as shared tools, machines, vehicles and other equipment, handrails, doorknobs, and restrooms. Sanitation workers disinfecting these areas must be provided appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for these work tasks and trained on work expectations. If these areas cannot be cleaned and disinfected frequently, the class will be cancelled until such measures can be achieved and maintained.

For the safety of all students, CE Forward may change any live, in-person class to a live webinar, due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

206-931-2241 or jillayne@ceforward.com