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241015 Oct 15th Mortgage Fraud: Emerging Trends ::WEBINAR::



Mortgage Fraud: Emerging Trends
4 Clock Hours

Jillayne Schlicke

Live Webinar via Zoom

Start Time:
8AM to Noon


Mortgage Fraud: Emerging Trends
In this course we will learn about emerging mortgage fraud scenarios including the following: collusion by industry insiders, inflating income, debt elimination schemes, the silent second, straw buyers, appraiser identity theft, fraud involving the escrow closer, equity skimming, occupancy fraud and reverse occupancy fraud, credit repair fraud, deed fraud and the Sovereign Citizens movement. We have 8 case studies and 6 of them involve real estate brokers.

Mortgage fraud schemes continue to emerge yet can be avoided through increased industry awareness. Are these schemes happening here? Come to class and find out.

Questions or RSVP: jillayne@ceforward.com
Or pay now.

206-931-2241 or jillayne@ceforward.com