These are the most frequently asked questions about the Loan Originator Pre-Licensing class.
Q: How do I get an NMLS ID number? (also known as your MLO Number, or LO Number)
The NMLS published a guide book here. You need to bring your “unique identifier” LO number with you the first day of class. It does not cost anything to set up a record for yourself within The NMLS and obtain an LO number.
Q: How to I schedule my LO Exam?
The NMLS published a guide book here. First you must log into The NMLS. Then they make you pay. Only after you pay, will the calendar open, for you to select a location, date and time for your test. I recommend scheduling your test to happen when you’re not under a lot of stress….unless you perform very well under intense pressure. Going through a divorce? Moving? Someone died? New baby? Maybe wait until you’re under less stress. Choose a time of day when you perform at your peak. Morning person? Night owl? Stack the deck in your favor.
Q: What is included with the price of the course?
A: Everyone need all of these things, so my class price includes everything: 3-day LO Pre-licensing course, your home state pre-licensing course module, 400 page, printed/hard copy course book, exam prep, and practice quizzes for home use after class is over. There is also a $36 NMLS credit banking fee that The NMLS charges course providers. This $36 fee is also included in your course price.
Q: Does the course contain the required state-specific pre-licensing class?
A: I offer the required state-specific pre-licensing class module when teaching in that state. For example, for courses held in Washington State, the required 4-hour WA SAFE Pre-Licensing course module is included with the class and class price. I teach the following state-specific LO pre-licensing class modules live, for these states beyond Washington: Oregon, California, and Idaho, when I am teaching the 20 hour class in those states. You can take these modules separately, and that class schedule is located here.
Q: Can I get the course book in advance of attending?
A: YES. I highly recommend all students who are new or newer to the industry obtain the course book and try to read as much as you can before the class. You can take notes for questions to ask during class, and try some of the math problems if you feel ambitious. Once paid, the book can be mailed to you via UPS at the address provided when paid. If you want the book shipped to a different address, put that in the “notes” box at checkout.
Q: I’m really nervous about the test because I have test anxiety. Can you help?
A: People with test anxiety tend to seek a live class and I’ve met MANY students with this challenge who have gone on to pass the test. YAY! The best way to minimize test anxiety is to study. The most common reason why people do not pass the test, whether or not they have test anxiety, is because they self-report that they studied more than they really did. Everyone will need to study when class is over. We discuss test anxiety during class and we talk about how to structure your study time, and how to and how to create a personal strategy to help each student build confidence.
Q: I’m worried about being able to keep up with the in-class reading.
A: The most common learning disability I see in the classroom is a person who reads at a significantly slower rate than an average person. I highly recommend getting the course book in advance of the class and reading the entire book at your own pace. The course is designed for an average adult student that can read at an average rate, at the 9th grade level. The mortgage lending industry, our course book and your test will contain a lot of federal laws, and you and I don’t talk the way lawyers write laws. Reading the book ahead of time, OR scheduling time to read the book at your own pace after class is over, will help you maximize your chance of passing the test.
Q: Do you offer your course book in PDF format so I can translate the book into another language?
A: No.
If you are learning English as a second language, the LO Exam is delivered in English so you will need to become proficient in English in order to pass the test. I would love to be able to sell course books in Spanish and simple Chinese, but since I do not currently speak those languages fluently, I cannot guarantee that the content is accurate.
Q: I have a learning disability. Any advice?
A: YES. If you have a diagnosed learning disability, you can ask The NMLS for extra time to complete your licensing exam. See page 12.
Q: I have a physical disability. Can you help?
A: The Americans with Disabilities Act requires course providers to make reasonable accommodations when asked. The most common disability I come across, is a person who is hard of hearing. If this is you, I recommend getting to class early and sitting right by me. I have helped students with the following needs: Wheelchair access, hand and arm disabilities, loss of a finger (this person needed options for note-taking,) seizure disorder, broken leg, recent back surgery, I’ve helped students who were deaf and blind, and I see service animals in my class every year. Contact me in advance so I can be prepared to help you succeed.
Q: Have you taken the LO exam and will the course focus solely on what you saw on the test?
A: I am not allowed to take the test, and then tell you what’s on the test. Course providers are not allowed to do this. If it were that easy, why not just give everyone a license without a competency exam. The exam is a barrier to entry. It’s designed to test your competency on the residential mortgage lending industry, and the role of the licensed loan originator within our industry. When you take the exam, you’ll be asked to sign a document that says you will not share the content of the LO exam. Students caught trying to share test content in my classroom will be asked to leave immediately with no refund.
Q: Why is your class better than others?
I wrote the entire 400 page course book to cover everything in the published test content outline.
I’ve been teaching this class since it was first required, after The SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act passed in 2008
I’ve been in the mortgage lending industry for 35+ years
I understand that everyone has different styles of learning and I try very hard to hit all the learning styles: Auditory, visual, tactile, emotional, and so forth.
If you’re shopping around, ask to speak to the person who will be teaching the class to see if you can get them on the phone.
Here is my number: 206-931-2241. Text, call, or email me any question, day or night: [ jillayne at ceforward dot com ]
Q: If I don’t pass the test the first time and need to retake it will you provide any additional help to prepare for the test?
A: All students are welcome to re-take my class again at no cost as long as you bring your book with you and email me in advance, so I can save you a seat. Examples of when this happens: Student takes the class and then immediately goes on vacation, or something happens in their life and they didn’t have time to do any studying. They take the test after several weeks, without any studying after class is over and do not pass. Yes, you can re-take the 3-day class at no cost.
Q: Can I contact you with questions after class is over?
A: Yes. Sometimes I am in front of a group of students teaching and can’t take a phone call. I am much more easily accessible through email. Send question via email jillayne at ceforward dot com and I will answer your question by the end of each business day.
Q: Do you recommend any online LO Pre-licensing classes besides your webinar?
A: Yes. If you are unable to take the live class or webinar, CE Forward has partnered with OnCourse Learning for online, instructor-led LO Pre-licensing class options.
The courses provided via the link above are provided in partnership by:
OnCourse Learning Financial Services, LLC
20225 Water Tower Blvd.
Brookfield, WI 53045
NMLS Provider #1400013
Phone: 866.512.9888
Q: What are the most common reasons why someone does not pass the LO exam?
A: I wrote two articles on this subject here and a follow-up article here.