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To The Students From The April 22, 2015 Realtor Class: Clients Behaving Badly in Silverdale

Hi Everyone,

Here are links to some of the things we covered in our class today.

Here’s the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. Sometimes Realtors have said that they might give this to a client to take, just for the client’s own use and awareness of how much stress they might be under.

There’s new research published on the genetics of alcoholism. I found this really interesting.

Here’s the full article on convicted mortgage fraud felon Shawn Portmann from The Stranger. What personality disorder do you recognize from reading interviews of people who worked for him?

The FBI’s Fraud Perpetrator Profile paints an interesting picture…

Facts and figures for our quiz came from here and here.

Here’s the Washington State Mental Health Care Association‘s website with information on how to find a counselor.

And if anybody wants to take a look at the slide deck here you go.

Final takeaways:
Is this a cultural issue?
Is this a eccentricity?
Is this an addiction issue?
Is this a values issue?
Is this about stress?
Is this a possible mental health issue?
or maybe just a personality disorder?

Stage 1: Do not talk. ONLY when they are finished emoting: Validate the strong emotion that is being displayed.
Stage 2: Try to figure out what the client values. If you listen carefully, your client is trying to tell you.
Stage 3: Ask the client what they think should be done.  Remember, most all adults with some very, very minor exceptions know  how to solve their own problems. Only when the invite you to help should you move into problem solving mode.

I hope you can give this new set of tools a try the next time you’re interacting with a client behaving badly!

-Jillayne Schlicke

206-931-2241 or jillayne@ceforward.com